The White stuff

Police were investigating the house of a man who was a pot head and looked for the drugs. They looked behind a dry board and found a bag of crack. The bag of crack was aggressive and attacked the detective and went inside of his nose. The crack dried out the brain and he died.
The crack came out of his butt and killed everyone in the room by going into various different holes. The pot head came back a hour later and took the crack back, which he found on a cop and it slithered up to his skin and attached itself to his body and turned into skin. The man looked at the cop in the kitchen, who was the cracks last victim and said,
"Dude...I wish you would of made me a sandwich, but oh well." And he was last seen at a Miley Cyrus consent while viciously eating a corn dog while jacking off to her twerking turkey ass with one hand.
The end